Training and investigation of sprinklers and sprinkler systems

Together with our partners, we offer our customers both investigations and training programmes relating to sprinklers, sprinkler systems and fire safety in various ways. We are happy to share our knowledge and of course want you to be able to manage your extinguishing system in the best possible way.


Among the investigations we can help you with are water source investigations, which can be relevant in the preliminary work and planning before we build your sprinkler system. We also carry out fire investigations for those who want to know what happened in a fire - and who want to avoid it happening again.

Training programmes

For those who have to manage and maintain a sprinkler system themselves, it is important to have the right knowledge. Together with a partner, we organise training courses for facility managers in accordance with the regulations established by the Fire Protection Association (SBF).

Want to know more?

Fire safety is something you need to take seriously, and a sprinkler system is both a investment and insurance. With the right research and training, you can be sure to get the most out of your automatic fire extinguishing system. Contact us if you are considering installing a sprinkler system and we will find the solution for you together.